"Let no one disregard you because you are young, but be an example to all believers in the way you speak and behave, and in your love, your faith and your purity"
1 Timothy 4:12
Kenelm Ambassadors
Who can be a Kenelm Ambassador?
A Kenelm Ambassador is a young person aged 16 -25 who are actively engaged in the life of their Parish Community or School Chaplaincy team. They are chosen by their Parish Priest or School Chaplain to represent the young people of their Parish or school communities.
The Kenelm Ambassador will be part of a team of other Ambassadors in their Deaneries whose challenge is to pass on to other young people, their friends, families, school communities and on social media, the exciting activities and events on offer from the Kenelm Youth Trust.
What is the purpose of a Kenelm Ambassador?
The purpose of the Kenelm Ambassador is for as many Parishes to have a young person who can be a voice for other young people in their Parish Communities.
They will engage with other young people inviting them to come to events/retreats organised by the Youth Service.
If your Kenelm Ambassador is able to invite 10 Young people to an diocesan event/retreat they will automatically get a free place.
Kenelm Ambassadors is an initiative to share with our Parish communities the many opportunities for young people in our Archdiocese and to spread these great opportunities to as many young people as possible.
How often do Kenelm Ambassadors meet?
The Kenelm Ambassadors will meet once a term with the BCYS Area Youth officer to share the work of the Youth Service and to go through what is coming up in the dairy for young people.
We will ensure that all our Kenelm Ambassadors are confident in the use of social media and we will look at ways in how we can spread the message of retreats, annual events, World Youth Day & Summer Camp to our Parish and School communities.
When will we be recruiting new Kenelm Ambassadors?
We shall be recruiting new Kenelm ambassadors in the summer to start in September 2016.
Invitations will be sent to your Parish Priest.
If you feel you can be a Kenelm Ambassador for your Parish please talk with your Parish Priest
If you would like more information please get in touch with your local area Youth Worker.
Contacts information can be found on our contacts page.
A Kenelm Ambassador is a young person aged 16 -25 who are actively engaged in the life of their Parish Community or School Chaplaincy team. They are chosen by their Parish Priest or School Chaplain to represent the young people of their Parish or school communities.
The Kenelm Ambassador will be part of a team of other Ambassadors in their Deaneries whose challenge is to pass on to other young people, their friends, families, school communities and on social media, the exciting activities and events on offer from the Kenelm Youth Trust.
What is the purpose of a Kenelm Ambassador?
The purpose of the Kenelm Ambassador is for as many Parishes to have a young person who can be a voice for other young people in their Parish Communities.
They will engage with other young people inviting them to come to events/retreats organised by the Youth Service.
If your Kenelm Ambassador is able to invite 10 Young people to an diocesan event/retreat they will automatically get a free place.
Kenelm Ambassadors is an initiative to share with our Parish communities the many opportunities for young people in our Archdiocese and to spread these great opportunities to as many young people as possible.
How often do Kenelm Ambassadors meet?
The Kenelm Ambassadors will meet once a term with the BCYS Area Youth officer to share the work of the Youth Service and to go through what is coming up in the dairy for young people.
We will ensure that all our Kenelm Ambassadors are confident in the use of social media and we will look at ways in how we can spread the message of retreats, annual events, World Youth Day & Summer Camp to our Parish and School communities.
When will we be recruiting new Kenelm Ambassadors?
We shall be recruiting new Kenelm ambassadors in the summer to start in September 2016.
Invitations will be sent to your Parish Priest.
If you feel you can be a Kenelm Ambassador for your Parish please talk with your Parish Priest
If you would like more information please get in touch with your local area Youth Worker.
Contacts information can be found on our contacts page.