Synodal conversations are vital in helping the Church to listen to the voices of it's people.
Take a look at what we've gathered from the 2018 Synod on "Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment", and the Synodal conversations from 2022 themed “For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission”, and how we've been using the information we've gathered to form our approach and mission going forward.
Take a look at what we've gathered from the 2018 Synod on "Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment", and the Synodal conversations from 2022 themed “For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission”, and how we've been using the information we've gathered to form our approach and mission going forward.
CLICK THE BUTTONS BELOW to access documentation of our conversations with young people throughout the course of Synod discussions, alongside Pope Francis' own synthesis "Christus Visit".
'FOR A SYNODAL CHURCH: COMMUNION, PARTICIPATION, MISSION'There is a new two-year synodal process taking place in the Catholic Church from October 2021 to October 2023. The overall theme is 'For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission'. The Synodal process is asking parishes, and all Catholics young and old important questions that will help to shape the focus of the Catholic Church as we look to the future. It's outcomes will be taken on board by the Archdiocese and the fruits will be discerned and embedded. As a diocese that is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ, this process will help us to become a community that is full of missionary disciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, more joyful in our service of God and neighbour. In line with this synod, we have been given a 'Diocesan Vision', help us focus on some key demographics and areas that we can focus on together to better aid the Churches Mission.
Watch our round up of all our listening in the SYNOD 2018 Legacy Video below!
Alongside our legacy video is a collection of photos we have gathered from Rome and schools around our Archdiocese throughout the course of our Synod conversations...
Alongside our legacy video is a collection of photos we have gathered from Rome and schools around our Archdiocese throughout the course of our Synod conversations...
great resources to look at about synods past and present, from the Vatican, the uk, our archdiocese and us at kyt...
So how does any of this impact the ministry of KYT?
Well, there are three ways that these SYNODs inform our service of young people…
Influence - We strive to have the young people that we serve shape the ministry we provide. Both Synod’s have provided the opportunity for us to have quality and informative conversations with young people from all backgrounds and faiths across our Archdiocese. Their hopes and disappointments, concerns and dreams help to form the foundations of the offerings made by KYT on an annual basis. Innovation - The major themes that came from the Synods have allowed the team at KYT to think creatively about speak into the issues arising; how to share the Gospel message and churches teaching in fresh ways that will help to satisfy the obvious desire and thirst for knowledge that our young people communicated. Impact - we hope that over the coming five years that the key concerns and issues raised by young people will be spoken into in a clear and accessible way. That the emerging themes from both SYNODs will be the foundation of our retreats, outreach and training opportunities for young people, clergy and youth ministers. |